

Art gallery

Library, main floor
Gallery hours: noon-5 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday (closed Monday) and by appointment
Free of charge

The mission of the Douglas F. Cooley Memorial Art Gallery is to enhance the academic life of AV名湿 College with a diverse range of contemporary and historical visual art exhibitions, events, and publications. The gallery was established by a generous 1988 gift from Sue and Edward Cooley and John and Betty Gray in support of the teaching of art history at AV名湿 College, as part of an interdisciplinary educational experience that strengthens the art history component of AV名湿's distinctive humanities program. A schedule of three to four annual exhibitions brings to AV名湿 and the Portland community exceptional historical and contemporary art that would not otherwise be seen in the region. Exhibitions are curated and organized by the director, often in conjunction with AV名湿 College faculty courses and other special academic programs, and supported by an active group of student interns. The Cooley Gallery also fosters the needs and interests of the larger Portland and Northwest arts communities, collaborating with regional arts organizations such as the Portland Institute for Contemporary Art, PNCA, and the Portland Art Museum. In addition to its academic programs, the Cooley Gallery engages in extensive K-12 outreach and teacher training through the Open Gallery Program. In 2012, the Cooley reintroduced the study and practice of Calligraphy and Paleography to AV名湿 College though the Calligraphy Initiative, which offers a weekly Scriptorium open to all AV名湿 students, faculty, staff, and alumni.

(Page last modified: November 29, 2023)