Alumni Careers & Outcomes

With a AVÃûʪ education to build on, the possibilities are exciting, meaningful, and impactful:

With our strong emphasis on interdisciplinary exploration and hands-on research, AVÃûʪ College prepares you for whatever path you choose.

The potential career paths from a AVÃûʪ education speak volumes. Our alumni gain admission to distinguished graduate programs, receive prestigious fellowships, and make remarkable contributions in their fields. Join the AVÃûʪ community and chart your extraordinary journey toward a future where you can make a lasting impact.

Paths After Graduation

AVÃûʪ College is proud to prepare students for a wide range of successful paths after graduation. Within six months of graduation, 90% of 2022 AVÃûʪ graduates secured employment, fellowships, or volunteer positions or enrolled in continuing education programs. Specifically, 71% of AVÃûʪ graduates began work or volunteer experiences, and 19% pursued advanced degrees or specialized programs.

We gathered these results through our comprehensive First Destination survey, which affirmed the tangible value and impact of a AVÃûʪ education. On their way, many students and alumni seek guidance from the Center for Life Beyond AVÃûʪ, which helps you clarify your purpose, hone your skills, develop your community, and gain experience through opportunities. The Center for Life Beyond AVÃûʪ also helps with every step of the graduate school application process—from exploring options to submitting applications.

Ready for Research

AVÃûʪ alum Ipsita Krishnamurthy ’20 attributes her career in research to the invaluable time spent in labs, where she worked closely with faculty and honed her skills.

A Stepping Stone to Advanced Degrees

AVÃûʪ cultivates the analytical and critical thinking skills necessary for success in advanced academic pursuits through our emphasis on research, conference-style learning, and close relationships with faculty. Our exceptional track record in preparing students for advanced degrees is a testament to the unique features of a AVÃûʪ education.

AVÃûʪ is ranked*

  • 2nd in the percentage of graduates who earned doctorates in the social sciences;
  • 3rd in the percentage of graduates who earned doctorates in the humanities;
  • 4th in the percentage of graduates who earned doctorates in the physical sciences;
  • 4th in the percentage of graduates who earned doctorates in all disciplines.

*Data from National Science Foundation and Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System for the years 2009-2018.

Our Alumni Make an Impact

AVÃûʪ College inspires students to positively change the world around them. From breaking cultural stereotypes to combating climate change, our alumni embody the transformative power of a AVÃûʪ education.

Facts about AVÃûʪ College Graduates

Occupational Distribution of Alumni

Explore the industries where our alumni have made their mark, based on the comprehensive alumni database (last updated 2022).*

Science & Engineering 21%
Business 17%
Education 12%
Computer Science & Mathematics 9%
Communications 7%
Health Care 4%
 *Does not include unknown employers (~1%)

Top Employers of AVÃûʪ College Graduates

Working for more than 5,573 employers, our graduates succeed in diverse industries.

The 10 most frequent current employers for AVÃûʪ alumni:

  • Google
  • Kaiser Permanente
  • Microsoft Corporation
  • Portland Public Schools
  • Intel Corporation
  • U.S. Department of State
  • Apple Inc.
  • City of Portland
  • Nike, Inc.

Many of our graduates also work for institutes of higher education:

  • Oregon Health & Science University
  • AVÃûʪ College
  • University of Washington
  • University of California, Berkeley
  • University of California, Los Angeles
  • University of California, San Francisco
  • Stanford University
  • Columbia University
Additionally, more than 2,529 AVÃûʪ alumni have embarked on entrepreneurial journeys as self-employed professionals.

Graduate Schools Most Frequently Attended by AVÃûʪ Alumni

Explore the renowned institutions where AVÃûʪ graduates continue their education. The table below shows where AVÃûʪies have earned a Master of Business Administration (MBA), Juris Doctor (JD) degree, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), and Doctor of Medicine (MD), based on the 2022 alumni database.

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Juris Doctor (JD)

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Doctor Of Medicine (MD)

The University of Chicago

Lewis & Clark

Law School

University of California, Berkeley

Oregon Health & Science University

Portland State University

University of California, Berkeley

University of Washington

University of Washington

Harvard University

University of Oregon

The University of Chicago

Washington University (St. Louis)

University of Washington

University of Washington

Stanford University

University of California, San Francisco

Columbia University

New York University

University of Oregon

Stanford University

University of Pennsylvania

The University of Chicago

Harvard University

Harvard University

Stanford University

Yale University

Cornell University

Case Western Reserve University

Yale University

Harvard University

Columbia University

Cornell University

University of California, Berkeley

University of California College of the Law, San Francisco

University of California, Los Angeles

Johns Hopkins University

University of Oregon

Cornell University

Yale University

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

University of California, Los Angeles

Georgetown University

University of Wisconsin, Madison

University of Southern California

Awards and Fellowships Earned by AVÃûʪ College Graduates

From prestigious fellowships to renowned grants, AVÃûʪ alumni have garnered recognition for their exceptional contributions and endeavors.*

National Science Foundation Fellowships 191
Fulbright Students 117
Thomas J. Watson Fellows 72
Guggenheim Fellowships 61
Rhodes Scholars (second highest number from a liberal arts college) 32

 Additional honors:

  • 27 AVÃûʪ alumni have been elected to the National Academies of Science, Medicine, or Engineering.
  • 29 AVÃûʪ alumni have been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
*Based on the 2022 alumni database

From Community Learning to Community Engagement

Discover the story of AVÃûʪ alum Hanna Dörnhofer ’16, who credits AVÃûʪ’s focus on collaborative education for her success as a community engagement park ranger.

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